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8 Reasons To Have More S3x

By: BleedingheartinkIn: Date: 22 Jun 2017 Add Comment
S3x is one of the most pleasurable experiences one can have as human being but, did you know s3x is not just fun? that having s3x is as healthy as eating fruits?Yes, s3x is very healthy for the body.
Below are some reason why you should have s3x more often.
Boosts your immunity: “Having s3x regularly decrease your chances of falling sick, according to a research people who had more s3x had 30% higher levels of the antigen immunoglobin A, as compared to people who didn’t as this antigen defends your body against colds and flu”.
Helps you sleep: “After you orgasm, endorphins which are released in your body make you feel relaxed and sleepy. Sleeping well is important too and has a range of health benefits of its own”.
Reduces stress: “Indulging in s3x releases endorphins like oxytocin which releases your stress by making you feel good, even though, stress can lower your libido, it is advised that you do not get dissuaded and have s3x”.
Helps you lose weight
Lowers your risk of prostate cancer: “Men who ejaculated more than 21 times a month had a significantly lower risk of developing prostate cancer”.

Makes you look younger: “A long study found that people who had s3x more than 4 times a week, felt as much as 10 years younger and this is not just a perceptive feeling, as the hormones released during s3x actually help in preserving your youth”.
Reduces risk of heart disease: Heart disease is a major problem these days, studies found that men who had s3x twice a week had a lower risk of having heart disease than men who didn’t because with s3x helps one lose weight, releasing the stress level and helping one sleep.
 Makes you more intelligent: Research found  that s3x boosts mental performance  by helping in the production of neurons in the hippocampus.
Now you know that s3x is indeed good for your health but be sure to always use protection in order to avoid s3xually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy.

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